Et ça n’arrête pas ici !

Today I received the catalogue of our exhibition. Nicely done and well in time for distribution. That is: in the French speaking countries, because the book is in French only. Of course French as Lingua Franca will return to Europe once the United Kingdom has left us....

Oh la la !

  C'est très sérieux. Nous sommes priés d'assister à la visite en avant-première... Read all about this joint project with the Van Abbemuseum in this press release. It was in 2006 that I first went to Vitebsk. After reading Alexandra Shatskikh's book* the next...

How to get to Malevich in Moscow

The struggle against the snow is in full swing here. Huge tractors with snow shovels in front and rotating brooms behind them are cleaning the roads. Armies of Kyrchiz, Chechens, Tatars, Ossets, Tadzjiks and Yakuts dressed in warm army clothes are scratching the ice...

I am still alive

Some Russian friends already started to worry after reading my first Moscow blog. Please do not! I am fine! A good night's sleep and a light breakfast totally refreshed me. Sorry for my strange post! It is maybe because I am reading the diaries of Franz Kafka, but on...